When Can I See You Again Classic Man Lyrics

Zai Jian Ni Yi Mian 再见你一面 See You Again Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By KZ · Tan Ding An 谭定安

Chinese Vocal Proper name: Zai Jian Ni Yi Mian 再见你一面
English Tranlation Name: See You Again
Chinese Singer: KZ ·  Tan Ding An 谭定安
Chinese Composer: Andrew Cedar Justin Franks Charlie Puth Cameron Thomaz Dann Hume Phoebe Cockburn Joshua Karl Simon Hardy
Chinese Lyrics: Andrew Cedar Justin Franks Charlie Puth Cameron Thomaz Dann Hume Phoebe Cockburn Joshua Karl Simon Hardy

Zai Jian Ni Yi Mian 再见你一面 Come across Yous Over again Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By KZ ·  Tan Ding An 谭定安

Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Vocal Lyrics:

màn cháng de yì tiān
漫  长    的 一 天
A long day
nǐ bú zài shēn biān
你 不 在  身   边
You're non there
hǎo duō huà yào duì nǐ shuō
好  多  话  要  对  你 说
At that place are so many things to say to you
děng dài zài jiàn nà yì tiān
等   待  再  见   那 一 天
I'll see you that day
zǒu guò hǎo yuǎn
走  过  好  远
Have a skillful walk far
yǒu nǐ zài shēn biān
有  你 在  身   边
With you at my side
hǎo duō huà yào duì nǐ shuō
好  多  话  要  对  你 说
There are then many things to say to you
děng dài zài jiàn nà yì tiān
等   待  再  见   那 一 天
I'll see you that twenty-four hours
zài jiàn nà yì tiān
Oh 再  见   那 一 天
see that twenty-four hour period again
Yo who knew all the planes we flew
shuí néng tǐ huì wǒ men jīng lì guò zěn yàng de lǚ chéng
谁   能   体 会  我 们  经   历 过  怎  样   的 旅 程
Who knows what we've been through
Good things we've been through
shuí huì liáo jiě wǒ men jiàn zhèng guò zěn yàng de méi hǎo
谁   会  了   解  我 们  见   证    过  怎  样   的 美  好
Who tin can understand how cute nosotros have seen
That I'll exist standing correct here
cǐ kè wǒ yì zhí zhù lì yú cǐ
此 刻 我 一 直  伫  立 于 此
I stand up hither for this moment
Talking to you about some other path
yǔ nǐ tán xiào rén shēng bié tú
与 你 谈  笑   人  生    别  途
Laughing with you is the only way to go
I know we loved to hit the road and express mirth
wǒ men zǒng shì bú gù yì qiè jìn qíng bēn chí yǎn xiào méi fēi
我 们  总   是  不 顾 一 切  尽  情   奔  驰  眼  笑   眉  飞
We are ever running with eyes and eyebrows regardless of everything
But something told me that it wouldn't last
dàn wǒ zhī dào zhè bān kuài lè de guāng jǐng zhōng jiū wú fǎ cháng jiǔ
但  我 知  道  这  般  快   乐 的 光    景   终    究  无 法 长    久
Only I knew this light would not last long
Had to switch up
wǒ men bì xū gǎi biàn shì yě
我 们  必 须 改  变   视  野
We must alter the visual field
Wait at things different see the bigger movie
zhuǎn xiàng gèng wéi liáo kuò de tiān dì
转    向    更   为  辽   阔  的 天   地
Plow to the broader heaven and earth
Those were the days hard piece of work forever pays
fù chū guò de rì zi zǒng yǒu shōu huò de shí jié
付 出  过  的 日 子 总   有  收   获  的 时  节
Every day that is paid has its hour of harvest
Now I run into you win the better place
wǒ kàn dào nǐ zǒu jìn le gèng jiā méi hǎo de wèi lái
我 看  到  你 走  进  了 更   加  美  好  的 未  来
I see you go into a better hereafter
See you win the better place
zǒu jìn le gèng jiā méi hǎo de wèi lái
走  进  了 更   加  美  好  的 未  来
Into the more beautiful not to come
zěn me néng bù tí qǐ jiā rén
怎  么 能   不 提 起 家  人
How tin can y'all not mention the family
dāng jiā rén shì suó yǒu yì qiè
当   家  人  是  所  有  一 切
Being a family is all there is to it
wǒ jīng lì guò dà dà xiǎo xiǎo
我 经   历 过  大 大 小   小
I've been big and small
nǐ zhàn zài wǒ zhè biān
你 站   在  我 这  边
You're on my side
ér jīn tiān péi wǒ
而 今  天   陪  我
And stay with me today
xiāo sǎ zǒu zuì hòu yì huí
潇   洒 走  最  后  一 回
Xiao Yu walked the final time
màn cháng de yì tiān
漫  长    的 一 天
A long day
nǐ bú zài shēn biān
你 不 在  身   边
Yous're not there
hǎo duō huà yào duì nǐ shuō
好  多  话  要  对  你 说
There are and then many things to say to you
děng dài zài jiàn nà yì tiān
等   待  再  见   那 一 天
I'll encounter you that day
zǒu guò hǎo yuǎn
走  过  好  远
Take a good walk far
yǒu nǐ zài shēn biān
有  你 在  身   边
With you at my side
hǎo duō huà yào duì nǐ shuō
好  多  话  要  对  你 说
At that place are then many things to say to y'all
děng dài zài jiàn nà yì tiān
等   待  再  见   那 一 天
I'll see you that day
zài jiàn nà yì tiān
Oh 再  见   那 一 天
run across that day once more
cóng yì kāi shǐ nǐ men jiù zhuī suí nǐ men xīn zhōng dì bù fá
从   一 开  始  你 们  就  追   随  你 们  心  中    的 步 伐
You accept followed your heart from the very commencement
And the vibe is feeling strong
rè chén jī lěi xìn niàn bú biàn
热 忱   积 累  信  念   不 变
The confidence of heat remains unchanged
And what'due south small-scale turned to a friendship
rì jī yuè lèi qíng bǐ jīn jiān
日 积 月  累  情   比 金  坚
Gold is stronger than gold
A friendship turned to a bond
shēn hòu de yǒu qíng tuì chéng xuè nóng yú shuǐ de gǎn qíng
深   厚  的 友  情   蜕  成    血  浓   于 水   的 感  情
Deep and thick friendship sheds into blood thicker than water feeling
And that bond will never be broken
cǐ qíng bú biàn
此 情   不 变
This feeling is not the same
The love will never get lost
cǐ ài nán shì
此 爱 难  逝
This dearest is difficult
And when alliance come first
mò nì zhī jiāo de wǒ men
莫 逆 之  交   的 我 们
We who are friends with each other
Then the line will never be crossed
jué bú huì bèi pàn bí cǐ zhǐ yīn zhè shēn qíng hòu yì
绝  不 会  背  叛  彼 此 只  因  这  深   情   厚  谊
He will never betray his love for the sake of it
Established it on our own
jī yú wǒ men de zhēn shí qíng yuàn
基 于 我 们  的 真   实  情   愿
Based on our true wishes
When that line had to exist drawn
zhè yǒu yì ràng wǒ men
这  友  谊 让   我 们
This friendship lets us
And that line is what we reached
gān dǎn xiāng zhào róng rǔ yǔ gòng
肝  胆  相    照   荣   辱 与 共
Liver and gall honor and shame together
And so remember me when I'm gone
jí biàn wǒ lí qù yě qǐng jiāng wǒ míng jì
即 便   我 离 去 也 请   将    我 铭   记
Call back me even when I am gone
Recollect me when I'g gone
jí biàn wǒ lí qù yě qǐng jiāng wǒ míng jì
即 便   我 离 去 也 请   将    我 铭   记
Think me fifty-fifty when I am gone
zěn me néng bù tí qǐ jiā rén
怎  么 能   不 提 起 家  人
How can you lot not mention the family
dāng jiā rén shì suó yǒu yì qiè
当   家  人  是  所  有  一 切
Being a family unit is all there is to it
wǒ jīng lì guò dà dà xiǎo xiǎo
我 经   历 过  大 大 小   小
I've been large and small-scale
nǐ zhàn zài wǒ zhè biān
你 站   在  我 这  边
You're on my side
ér jīn tiān péi wǒ
而 今  天   陪  我
And stay with me today
xiāo sǎ zǒu zuì hòu yì huí
潇   洒 走  最  后  一 回
Xiao Yu walked the last fourth dimension
jiù ràng zhè dào guāng zhí yǐn nǐ
就  让   这  道  光    指  引  你
Let this calorie-free atomic number 82 y'all
láo láo zhuā zhù suó yǒu huí yì
牢  牢  抓   住  所  有  回  忆
Hold fast to all the memories
zhè yàng zi měi tiáo lù
这  样   子 每  条   路
This is every fashion
dū huì dài nǐ huí jiā
都 会  带  你 回  家
Will take you dwelling



zǒu guò hǎo yuǎn
走  过  好  远
Have a expert walk far
yǒu nǐ zài shēn biān
有  你 在  身   边
With you lot at my side
hǎo duō huà yào duì nǐ shuō
好  多  话  要  对  你 说
In that location are so many things to say to you
děng dài zài jiàn nà yì tiān
等   待  再  见   那 一 天
I'll see you that day
zài jiàn nà yì tiān
Oh 再  见   那 一 天
run across that twenty-four hours once more

Run into yous over again
chóng féng zhī shí
重    逢   之  时
Heavy wel
Everything is gonna be alright
yì qiè dū huì biàn dé gèng hǎo
一 切  都 会  变   得 更   好
Everything will be ameliorate
Everything everything
yì qiè yi qiè
一 切  一 切
A cutting a piece
And I'll be waiting to see yous again
wǒ zài děng dāi zhe zài jiàn nǐ yí miàn
我 在  等   待  着  再  见   你 一 面
I'm waiting to come across you again
zài cì jiàn nǐ
再  次 见   你
Time to see y'all again
màn cháng de yì tiān
漫  长    的 一 天
A long day
nǐ bú zài shēn biān
你 不 在  身   边
You're not there
hǎo duō huà yào duì nǐ shuō
好  多  话  要  对  你 说
In that location are so many things to say to you
děng dài zài jiàn nà yì tiān
等   待  再  见   那 一 天
I'll run across you that day
zǒu guò hǎo yuǎn
走  过  好  远
Have a skilful walk far
yǒu nǐ zài shēn biān
有  你 在  身   边
With you lot at my side
hǎo duō huà yào duì nǐ shuō
好  多  话  要  对  你 说
There are and so many things to say to yous
děng dài zài jiàn nà yì tiān
等   待  再  见   那 一 天
I'll see y'all that 24-hour interval
zài jiàn nà yì tiān
Oh 再  见   那 一 天
encounter that solar day again

Some Great Reviews Nearly Zai Jian Ni Yi Mian 再见你一面

Listener 1: "Some people say Jess is the best, but I would like to say that KZ even sings in Chinese for the encore, wouldn't information technology be improve if she sings in English? But he is in awe of China and the Chinese phase!! Jessie sings well. Why practise you flatter Jessie and then much? Because you want to act similar you're awesome, but the fact is, you empathize Jessie's vocal? Promise Tan Ding an absolute victory, in my heart the first!!"

Listener ii: "He is eliminated because he is from the Philippines and is not famous. Do y'all know if he is non famous? Her strength should exist equal to stone sister, or even more diversified. She came to the competition non for ranking, but for the Chinese market. "

Listener iii: "KZ has a fantastic audio, a euramerican voice, a wide range of sounds, and a super practiced Listener. Chinese level ten, I must accept fabricated a lot of efforts behind, the pronunciation is so standard. Sincere girl, strong, looking forward to seeing KZ subsequently on the domestic plan, I love KZ so much. The Chinese song kz sang was very nice and moved, and the 10th was the best. Just similar the lyrics say, she likes to come up to such a place, like the people hither, do non want to hurry autonomously, yes, I am also some people accept not waited for love plenty to not separate, walked a long way, waiting for the day to see you lot again."

Listener 4: "KZ comes dorsum. Then many people Shouting. Sing a song. So many people shout but why? Didn't keep her. This song. It was perfect to hear the lights go off. I actually don't know what 500 people are doing here. Kz is really talented! The start time I heard her song, I couldn't wait to get to know her! Very good! "

How exercise y'all think near this song? Please leave a comment below.


Source: https://www.echinesesong.com/zai-jian-ni-yi-mian-%E5%86%8D%E8%A7%81%E4%BD%A0%E4%B8%80%E9%9D%A2-see-you-again/

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