what to do if your cat wont eat or drink

Ginger cat in litter box
(Prototype credit: Getty Images)

If your cat's non eating their food you might be wondering when to worry, especially if they're turning their nose upwardly atthe best true cat food that you always offer them, which is ordinarily a sign that something isn't right. This is a trouble that shouldn't exist left too long without seeking assist, equally it tin have dangerous consequences for your cat's health.

That'south why we've put together a list of things to work through to help you get together some information before you lot call the vet. Always remember though that if you have any concerns nearly your pet's health, speaking to a veterinary professional is the safest option!

When should I worry if my cat stops eating?

If your cat is showing signs of illness such as vomiting, coughing, difficulty breathing, changes to their drinking habits, bug urinating, or if they seem in hurting when eating, then yous must seek veterinarian attention. Showing signs of ill health alongside inappetence is a articulate sign there is something wrong with your pet.

You should also worry if your overweight cat suddenly stops eating. Although you lot might remember they've got enough fat stored to see them through, cats can suffer from a serious and often fatal illness called'hepatic lipidosis' — a condition where their liver is overwhelmed trying to plough their fatty stores into energy.

If your cat stops eating for more than 24 hours this is a concern, even if they are acting ordinarily. Cats need to swallow more than frequently than dogs, as the feline body isn't designed to cope as well with periods of starvation. The post-obit list is designed to help yous look into things farther if your cat has stopped eating, before seeking advice from a veterinarian professional.

1. Take you inverse your true cat'south food?

Cats are creatures of habit and many develop preferences for certain types of food. Whether information technology's food in gravy, pate-stylewet true cat food, or dry out biscuits, cats that are used to eating the same thing volition often get on strike if their food has been suddenly changed.

If this sounds like your cat, try offer a bit of their old nutrient, or something equally similar to it equally you can find. If your cat starts eating again, you know y'all've got a diva on your hands who doesn't agree with your stance on whatthe all-time dry true cat food might be!

Always call up, when changing your cat over to a new diet, it's best to slowly transition them onto the new food over a couple of weeks, mixing information technology gradually into their old nutrition.

  • Purina vs Imperial Canin cat food: Which ane should you lot pick?
  • Why is my cat begging for food?
  • Is tuna expert for cats? A vet answers

2. Has your true cat been in the infirmary or cattery recently?

Cats are finicky creatures, and they can hands develop a 'food disfavor' if they acquaintance a item food with a time they felt unwell, or with a scary feel. If your cat has recently been in the hospital or at a cattery, they may be associating their food with this experience and are turning their nose up at it.

If you recall it's probable your cat is just existence a bit fussy, then endeavour switching out their cat food for something else, preferably something like in texture, and encounter how they react. Ideally, this transition would be done gradually mixing information technology in with their quondam diet, merely cat's with an aversion to their old food may need to swap straight to a new food.

  • Is wet food bad for cats? A vet'southward view
  • eight homo foods that are poisonous to cats: What to avoid
  • What to do if your cat is throwing up

3. Has anything changed in the house recently? Building piece of work? Guests?

Cats are very sensitive creatures and changes to their environment or routine can crusade them to become stressed. This could be something obvious such as building works, visitors or a new pet that has been introduced to the household. Other times we might struggle to pinpoint exactly what has acquired feet. If your cat is stressed and on 'high alert' to potential threats then he may go off his nutrient.

If you tin't avoid irresolute your cat's routine, then there are steps y'all can accept to assistance them cope better with the stress. Provide them with everything they need (food, water, bed, scratching mail and litter tray) as far away from any sources of stress as possible. You might want to use pheromone diffusers, such equally aFeliway diffuser, in this area to increase the sense of calm and help them to relax.

Yous should consider seeking veterinary advice to dominion out whatever contributing wellness bug, especially if you lot can't identify an obvious source of stress. A qualified pet behaviourist may be needed to help in some cases.

  • Anxiety in cats: Causes and how to assistance a stressed feline
  • How to help a kitten with diarrhea: Your starting time steps

four. Does your true cat take vomiting or diarrhea?

As with most animals, an upset tum is a common crusade of inappetence in cats. Cats that are vomiting or have diarrhea will often finish eating due to nausea. Cheque your cat's litter tray for signs of diarrhea or try to notice them when they go exterior.

If your cat has an upset stomach it's a practiced idea to talk to your vet. They might ask you to monitor them for a couple of days, commencement probiotics at home, or bring them in for a check over.

Airsickness and diarrhea can also exist signs of an underlying affliction such asfeline pancreatitis, so your vet may also recommend performing diagnostic testing such as bloodwork or an abdominal ultrasound to get to the bottom of the problem. They can so advise yous on the all-time course of action for your pet.

Cat's not eating

(Image credit: Getty)

five. Check your cat'due south teeth and gums


Hamster and an abacus

(Epitome credit: Getty images)

There's no NHS for pets. Veterinarian care tin exist center-wateringly expensive and most pets will demand treatment for an illness or injury at some point in their life. It's difficult to think about your animals being hurt or unwell, but you demand to ask yourself: what would you lot do if y'all were faced with a vet nib for hundreds or thousands of pounds?

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Near cats will bear on eating no matter how painful their rima oris is. However, looking at the teeth and gums is an important part of checking your cat over if they've stopped eating, or have changed the food they prefer or the fashion that they chew.

If your cat will allow it, try opening their rima oris to look for cleaved teeth, areas of gums that are red, and teeth that are coated in grey-brown tartar. The molars, the big teeth at the back of the mouth, are more likely to cause a problem with eating and chewing, then get-go here. You should also wait for lumps on the tongue, a foul odor, and fleshy cerise spots on the teeth, every bit these are signs of a painful tooth condition in cats calledfeline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs).

If your true cat doesn't desire you touching their mouth and is trying to scratch or bite - just stop! You don't want to end upwardly injuring them or yourself, so leave information technology to your vet who will exist able to help yous. In some cases, it isn't safe to examine a cat'southward oral cavity while they're awake, specially if they are trying to bite, and your vet will recommend performing a sedation or general anaesthetic to look at their rima oris properly.

vi. Is your cat lethargic or grumpier than usual?

If your true cat has changed behaviour, this suggests something more serious is going on. Cats that are ill volition often hide away and they may become more aggressive, lashing out if they are moved or disturbed. This may too be a sign of pain, fever, or infection. If your true cat has stopped eating and is sleeping a lot more usual, this is also a worrying sign.

If this sounds like your cat, a vet visit is the all-time option. Be conscientious when moving your cat to their carrier, as they may lash out with their teeth or claws if they are uncomfortable.

7. Is your true cat drinking a normal amount?

Cats don't tend to drink much, and so a reduction in drinking tin be hard to spot. However, an increase in drinking is a common sign of an underlying health problem such as diabetes, kidney disease, andhyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). You might also observe your cat urinating more than usual also, due to their increased thirst.

If y'all aren't sure if your cat is drinking a normal amount of h2o, you can measure out the corporeality they drink from their bowl. However, if you take a suspicion that they're drinking more than and they aren't eating, getting them to the vet without filibuster is usually the best class of activeness. Your vet might propose blood piece of work and urine samples to screen for some of the atmospheric condition mentioned.

Close up of cat eating wet food

(Image credit: Getty Images)

8. Was your cat ravenously hungry before they stopped eating?

Diabetes and hyperthyroidism both cause extreme hunger in most cats at first. Pet parents are often pleased every bit older cats are often seen to have a '2d wind' with a adept appetite. However, these cats usually lose weight despite their increased appetite and in some cases, this will then be followed past no ambition at all, as the diseases progress. In diabetes peculiarly, this is a pretty bad sign.

If your cat is middle-anile or older and previously had a very good ambition, it's worth considering whether diabetes or hyperthyroidism could exist to blame. Your vet volition be able to diagnose these problems through an examination and tests and discuss direction with you.

ix. Does your true cat have a snuffly nose, or discharge from the heart?

Cats suffering from 'cat flu' and other upper respiratory problems will sometimes stop eating. Symptoms such every bit runny eyes, a runny nose, and sniffly, noisy breathing are frequently nowadays. Cat flu is more common in cats that accept a compromised immune system (due to a recent stressful experience or other illness), or who are unvaccinated.

It'due south idea that these cats cease eating partly considering they are congested and tin can't smell their nutrient properly – you can try warming wet food in the microwave to come across if this helps them eat. If non, it'southward time to call the vet, as cat influenza is not only a bad cold and they could require some treatment!

x. Is your cat breathing faster than usual? Have you lot seen them panting?

Cats with problems farther down the respiratory tract, such as with their lungs or heart, are by and large as well decorated concentrating on breathing to want to eat. These cats may pant, or sit with their cervix extended and their elbows out, making as much room as possible for their lungs to work. You may as well have noticed that your cat is less keen to practise, or stops office manner through play to residual. Breathing problems similar these in cats are serious, and you lot should contact your vet without filibuster.

11. Could your cat be getting food from elsewhere?

Some cats are better at self-regulating their intake than others. Whilst some will go along to swallow any and all food offered to them, others will stop when they are full.

If you have an outdoor true cat that isn't eating, and you and your vet can't find any other cause, and so it might be considering whether they are eating elsewhere. This could particularly exist the case if your cat is maintaining their weight (or even gaining!) despite its apparent reduced diet. You can attempt attaching a notation to their collar request people not to feed them, or shutting them in for a few days and seeing if they regain their appetite for the nutrient you offer them.

How to stimulate your cat's ambition

If your cat isn't eating, nosotros need to get them dorsum on track as soon as possible. Just considering there are so many reasons why your true cat may accept lost their ambition, it's important to observe and treat the underlying cause offset. These tips and tricks for stimulating your true cat'due south appetite practice not replace professional veterinary communication but may exist useful when caring for your true cat at home subsequently a trip to the vet.

Get-go upwardly, yous tin attempt gently warming moisture or tinned food to increment the aroma. Some cats prefer warm nutrient, others adopt it cold straight from the refrigerator, so encounter which yours prefers! Simply make sure that whatever microwaved food is lukewarm and the rut evenly distributed to avoid burns. Cats with suspected oral cavity pain or those recovering from a dental process will also tend to prefer wet or tinned food every bit it'south much softer and easier to chew. Adding a little tuna in jump h2o to their regular diet may also tempt cats to eat, as may offering small portions of a multifariousness of foods (different textures and flavours) to see which they fancy.

If your cat isn't eating at all, you shouldn't leave it more than 24 hours before going to the vet. However, if they take other symptoms such equally vomiting, urinary problems, or an increased respiratory charge per unit, it could exist an emergency, in which example you lot should get them to the vet as soon as possible.


If your cat isn't eating at all, y'all shouldn't leave it more than 24 hours earlier going to the vet. However, if they have other symptoms such as airsickness, urinary problems, or an increased respiratory rate, it could exist an emergency and yous should get them to the vet as presently as possible.

Later on graduating as a veterinarian from the Academy of Nottingham, Dr Joanna Woodnutt went on to practice companion animal medicine in the Midlands. She quickly developed a love of consulting and helping clients with medical problems such as dermatology, behaviour and nutrition - anything that involved helping clients understand their pets meliorate. Jo started writing about pet health in 2017, realising that information technology meant she could help even more pet parents. Since then, she has written for endless online and impress publications and is a regular correspondent for Edition Dog Magazine. Jo now lives in the Aqueduct Islands with her husband Ian and terrier Pixie, and they are expecting their outset child very shortly.


Source: https://www.petsradar.com/advice/cats-not-eating

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