Quiz 5: This Quiz Covers the Readings by Blumenthal, O'connell and Brennan

Adele Cosgrove-Bray is a author, poet and artist who lives on the Wirral Peninsula in England.


How much do you know well-nigh Britain? Exam your cognition with this fun, free quiz which is great for parties, pub quizzes, schools or dwelling-schoolers, or social groups of all kinds.

The quiz is suitable for all age groups, and could readily exist adapted into a history or denizen skills lesson.

The answers can be found adjacent to the questions, written in italics.

Even if yous've lived in Britain all your life, yous are leap to learn something new with this fun, free quiz!

Feel feel to impress it out and apply this for whatever not-profit making purpose.

Quiz Questions about British Geography

1) Name the seas surrounding the British Isles. The Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the English language Chanel.

two) Name the four separate countries which make up Britain? England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

3) What are the three Crown Dependencies? Jersey, Channel Islands and Island of Man.

4) How many square miles does the United Kingdom cover in full? 94,060.

5) Which country accounts for but over half of the total square miles of the Great britain? England.

6) Standing at 3,209 feet, which is England's highest mountain? Scafell Freeway in the Lake District.

vii) Name Britain's main rivers. Severn, Thames, Humber, Tees, Tyne, Tweed, Avon, Exe and Mersey.

viii) Which British country is divided roughly into ii areas, and has nearly 800 islands? Scotland.

9) Continuing at 4,406 anxiety, which is Scotland'south highest mountain? Ben Nevis.

ten) What are known, collectively, as the Welsh 3000? The fifteen mountains which stand up over 3,000 feet in height.

eleven) What is the United kingdom'south largest lake? Lough Neagh, in Northern Ireland.

Quiz Questions near British History

1) What is the full, correct title for Britain? The Uk of Great Britain and Northern Republic of ireland.

2) Name the earliest known tribe of Homo sapiens to populate Britain. Picts.

three) Which group of tribes originated from northern Europe, bringing cultural traits which are still a part of British life today? Celts.

4) Which invading people, who arrived some time around 43 AD, collection the Picts into Scotland and the Celts into Wales? Romans.

5) In the eighth Century, the Benedictine monk known equally the Venerable Bede wrote that his contemporaries were the mostly decendents of which three invading peoples? Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

half-dozen) Where did the Angles, Saxons and Jutes come up from? The Angles and Saxons came from Federal republic of germany, and the Jutes came from Kingdom of denmark.

7) Which group of people invaded Britain in 1066? Normans.

8) Between 1455 and 1485, which English counties warred against each other? Lancashire and York.

nine) The conflict which raged between the kings of England and France is known as which war? The 1 Hundred Years war.

10) Which war ended with the Battle of Worcester in 1651? English Civil War.

New Fiction from the Writer of this Quiz!

To the public they are artists creating beauty in their shared Liverpool home. In private, they are members of an ancient occult order riddled with intrigue and power struggles. Can Morgan keep them safe in their turbulent world of dark magic?

To the public they are artists creating beauty in their shared Liverpool home. In private, they are members of an ancient occult order riddled with intrigue and power struggles. Can Morgan go along them prophylactic in their turbulent world of night magic?

More than Quiz Questions nigh British History.

1) The British Empire became the foremost globe power following which war, which began in 1803? Napoleonic Wars.

two) Which was the terminal English language king to die in combat? Richard 3.

3) The war between England and Scotland in the 1700s was known as what? Jacobite Rebellion.

4) The huge changes to industry which took place betwixt 1750 and 1850 are unremarkably referred to as what? Industrial Revolution.

5) Which war confronting Russia, France, Sardinia and the Ottoman Empire ended in February 1856? Crimean War.

half dozen) Which British queen was also known as the Empress of India? Queen Victoria.

7) The starting time British king of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was who? Edward VII.

8) Which king was the grandson of Queen Elizabeth, the son of Queen Alexandra of Kingdom of denmark, a first cousin of both Tsar Nicholas II or Russia and Kaiser Wilhelm Two of Federal republic of germany? George V.

ix) Which was began on the 28th July, 1914? Globe State of war I.

x) Which war with Argentine republic began in 1982? Falklands War.

Quiz Questions Nigh British Places

one) Which ancient monument would yous find on Salisbury Plain? Stonehenge.

ii) What is the proper noun of London'southward most famous span? Tower Bridge.

three) Which stately home houses one of Europe'due south finest art collections and has been dwelling to the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire since 1549? Chatsworth House.

4) Name England'south largest lake. Lake Windermere.

five) Designed and constructed by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis between 1925 and 1975, the fanciful Italianesque village in North Wales in known as what? Portmeirion.

half dozen) What is fabricated upwards of about twoscore,000 interlocking basalt columns created after a volcanic eruption, and is associated with a fable virtually an Irish giant? Giant'southward Causeway.

7) Proper name the Scottish city famous for its arts festival and big castle perched on top of an extinct volcano. Edinburgh.

eight) In the Scilly Isles, which sub-tropical gardens are regarded by botanists as one of the well-nigh interesting and varied botanical experiments in the globe? Tresco Abbey Gardens.

9) What is the largest Gothic cathedral in northern Europe? York Minster.

10) Situated in an abandoned clay pit, which complex in Cornwall houses 100,000 plants in ii giant transparent domes, each recreating unlike global climate weather condition? Eden Projection.

Quiz Questions nearly British Inventions

ane) In 1797, who created a precision machine that allowed identical screws to be mass-produced? Henry Maudslay.

2) Which Scottish engineer invented the television? John Logie Baird.

3) Who invented the jet engine? Frank Whitttle.

4) In 1735, the first marine chronometre was invented, enabling ships to accurately tell where they were when out at ocean. Who invented this? John Harrison.

5) Who invented the billowy bomb, used in world War II? Barnes Wallis.

half dozen) Who invented the then-called cat's eyes, which marking the centre of roads? Percy Shaw.

seven) Who was the inventor of radar? Robert Watson-Watt.

8) In the 2d half of the 20th century, which fashion of transport did Christopher Cockerell invent? Hovercraft.

9) Name the Cornishman who built the first railway steam locomotive, and whose design was later debveloped by George and Robert Stephenson. Richard Trevithick.

x) Who designed the outset estimator? Charles Babbage.

Quiz Questions about British Artists

1) Name the famous artist who painted royalty and who is credited every bit being the originator of the 18th century British landscape school. Thomas Gainsborough.

2) Who was the influential 18th-century English painter specialising in portraits, who was one of the founders of the Imperial University and who was knighted past King George 3? Joshua Reynolds.

3) Name the Suffolk-born painter whose best-known works sometimes feature Flatford Mill, which was owned by his begetter. John Constable.

4) Founded in 1845, what is the famous Scottish art school called? Glasgow School of Art.

5) Who was the Scottish architect, designer, watercolourist and artist, unremarkably associated with the Glasgow School of Art? Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

half dozen) Proper name the Welsh artist who is noted for her still lifes and portraits, and who besides worked as a model for the sculptor Auguste Rodin. Gwen John.

7) Who was the author, textile designer, creative person and publisher who helped establish the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood? William Morris.

viii) Name the Welsh painter, draughtsman and etcher who was an important exponent of Post-Impressionism and President of the Gypsy Lore Society. Augustus John.

9) What is the globe famous art school, found in London? Slade Schoolhouse of Fine Art.

10) Born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, name the sculptress who was a contemporary of Henry Moore. Dame Barbara Hepworth.

Quiz Questions nigh British Folk Festivals

1) Proper name the famous Nottingham fun fair held during the first week of October, which is imore than 700 years sometime. Nottingham Goose Fair.

ii) On which day of the year do young people perform a circular trip the light fantastic toe which involves weaving ribbons around a alpine pole? May Day, on the 1st of May.

three) What is traditionally rolled down Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire, and then is raced later past local men? Cheese.

4) What do some brave and hardly souls practise each New year's day's Solar day? Go for an outdoor swim.

5) If yous saw a group of people dressed in ribbons and bells, accompanied by someone wearing a large hooped skirt and a equus caballus's head, who all carried sticks, handkerchiefs, which pre-Christian tradition would you be watching? Morris Men.

6) Oak Apple Mean solar day is celebrated on the 29th May to commemorate the restoration of what? The English monarchy.

7) Which Chester tradition was started in 1442, was banned during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I as 'popery', was performed illegally in 1568 - resulting in the town mayor existence taken to London Tower - and was revived in 1951? Chester Mystery Plays.

eight) Dating back to at least the 12th century, proper noun the annual Welsh festival of the music, literature and acting. The Eisteddfod.

9) Bognor Regis plays host to which eccentric flying competition? International Bognor Birdman.

Quiz Questions about British Sports

1) Held at the start of August each twelvemonth, proper noun the longest-running sailing regatta in the earth, which has upwardly to 40 daily races. Cowes Week.

2) First held in Dunoon, Argyll in 1894, name this event which at present attracts effectually three, 500 international competitors and 20,000 spectators. Cowal Highland Gathering or Cowan Highland Games.

three) With which sport has St Andrews in Scotland been associated with for over 600 years? Golf.

4) Which two sports are usually associated with Wales? Football and Rugby Marriage.

5) Thought to have prehistoric origins and considered to exist the world's fastest squad game, what is the name of this ancient Irish sport? Hurling.

6) Which sport dates back to Tudor times, and at present has a variety of national and international championships, and has a famous English language venue named after the venue'due south founder John Lord? Cricket.

vii) Which sport was allegedly introduced by the Romans in 200 AD, was banned by Oliver Cromwell in 1645, and then flourished afterward King Charles II instituted the Newmarket Town Plate in 1664? Horse racing.

8) In 1743, an Englishman called Jack Broughton fix out the first rules to regulate a sport which dates dorsum to Aboriginal Hellenic republic and Ancient Egypt - which sport is this? Boxing.

nine) The BAF is the professional body for coaching which sport in Great britain? British Academy of Fencing.

10) Which sport gained popularity in the 1960s, having been imported from the Far E, and is now included in the Olympics? Karate.

Quiz Questions nigh British Entertainers

1) What is the annual music festival which takes identify in Stornoway? Hebridean Celtic Festival.

2) Proper noun the famous Irish comedian who, at the height of his career, was considered to be Britain'south almost controversial comedian due to his observations of political hypocrisy and for poking fun at religious authority. Dave Allen.

3) The works of William Shakespeare have also been attributed to which writers? Edward de Vere (17th Earl of Oxford), Francis Bacon, William Stanley (6th Earl of Derby), and Christopher Marlowe.

four) Who has become one of Britain's well-nigh commercially successful authors of all time? JK Rowling.

5) First broadcast on Radio iv on the 29th May, 1950, this everyday story of land folk is unremarkably known every bit what? The Archers.

6) Which fictional character lives at 221B Bakery Street, in London? Sherlock Holmes.

7) Name the famous writer, illustrator and conservationist who will be forever associated with the Lake District. Beatrix Potter.

8) Which society, based in Liverpool, manages the state's longest surviving professional orchestra? Majestic Liverpool Philharmonic Social club.

9) Founded by Matriarch Alicia Markova and Sir Anton Dolin, what is the name of this dance visitor which has its own school and orchestra, and is renowned for touring throughout Europe? English National Ballet.

10) Held predominantly at the Royal Albert Hall, name the annual festival of Classical music? The Proms - more than formally The Henry Wood Promenade Concerts presented by the BBC. 

Further Reading...

  • Free Fun 100 Question Quiz
    If yous are seeking a fun, complimentary quiz, so look no further! Hither are one hundred quiz questions, with the answers in italics abreast them. This quiz is groovy for many situations, such as parties, social groups, pub quizzes or schoolhouse groups.

© 2012 Adele Cosgrove-Bray

Adele Cosgrove-Bray (author) from Wirral, Cheshire, England. on December 17, 2019:

"Outlander" is very entertaining; I enjoyed information technology, too.

Michelle Thelen from Chapel Hill, NC on Dec 16, 2019:

Very interesting. I'chiliad watching "Outlander" on Netflix now and wish I knew more historical info equally I find the 1700s fascinating. Perhaps I'll research further.

Tiffany Delite from Wichita, KS on July 20, 2019:

Thanks for the trivia. I will admit that I didn't know many of the answers at all!

Linda on April 23, 2019:

The 1700'due south wars (The Jacobite Rebellion) was non English V Scots, only supporters of various fractions of the British Crown. e.g. 1 regiment that supported Charles Stewart in 1746 was the Manchester Regiment and there were more Scots wearing Ruddy coats than fought with Bonnie Prince Charlie

Jean Maitland on November 26, 2018:

Swell Questions -give thanks you

John Smith from New York on August 07, 2018:

I think you're correct, Gwyneth! Awesome collection of questions, all the same!

Gwyneth on January 25, 2017:

Quickly scanning through the questions I noticed what I call up is an error in British History q8.

Wasn't information technology the houses of Lancaster & York rather than the counties of Lancashire & York that fought each other? If I remember rightly the firm of Lancaster covered most of what is now Yorkshire at the fourth dimension.

Robert Clarke from UK on September 03, 2016:

Interesting. Quite a few that I didn't know the answer to there.

Ced Yong from Asia on June 12, 2016:

Fantastic quizzes. Great for a party, and for getting ready to visit Uk!

Adele Cosgrove-Bray (author) from Wirral, Cheshire, England. on Nov 27, 2013:

Congratulations on winning the quiz, Aditi!

Aditi S.More on November 25, 2013:

This quiz helped me out for my competition and I was 1st and that's why Iwant to thank!!!!!

Adele Cosgrove-Bray (author) from Wirral, Cheshire, England. on March 08, 2013:

You're welcome.

karl from Birmingham UK on March 07, 2013:

Most interesting, thank you.

Adele Cosgrove-Bray (writer) from Wirral, Cheshire, England. on December 21, 2012:

Fair point - only I could add that Britain is non one isle, just has numerous islands. ;)

Jack Baumann from St. Louis, Missouri on December 18, 2012:

I dearest Britain!! I promise this isn't out of order, I'm new to hubpages, but you made a mistake on your hub. Question 2 asks which iv countries make up Britain. There are in fact only three countries that comprise the island of United kingdom, and 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland is the slice that makes the deviation betwixt the Uk and Groovy Britain. Peachy Britain is not really a poltical land just rather a geographical and historical term. Hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, honey the hub though! :)


Source: https://discover.hubpages.com/travel/Fun-Free-Quiz-About-Britain

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